Wednesday, November 27, 2019
5 Key Tips for How to Potty Train a Puppy Effectively
5 Key Tips for How to Potty Train a Puppy Effectively SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Potty training a puppy is a sometimes messy, but ultimately rewarding process. And with a little know-how and a regular potty routine, you'll be able to get your pup on the right track and keep both your pup and your home happy, comfortable, and clean. So let's look at the ins and outs of how to potty train a puppy: creating a proper potty training routine, setting a potty schedule, and reacting when the inevitable accident occurs. How to Potty Train a Puppy: The Fundamentals Helping your puppy develop trustworthy potty behavior is a crucial part of taking in a new fluffy family member. And it's best to start as soon as possible so that you can establish good behavior early on. Always remember that your new puppy will come to you completely ignorant of the rules and proper protocol of the house. You're teaching behavioral guidelines from the ground up. It's your job to teach your pup where and when mealtimes happen, where and when bedtime and playtime happens, and, of course, where and when to go to potty. So don't be surprised (or angry!) if the first thing your pup tries to do when it comes home is urinate on the carpet- your pup just doesn't know the lay of the land yet. To teach your new puppy the rules of the house, you'll want to give plenty of guided opportunities for the behavior you want to see and also interrupt and redirect any unwanted behavior. Applying this to potty habits, you'll need to guide and provide your dog with opportunities to eliminate in the right places and interrupt unwanted elimination whenever you see it. Though accidents will happen, proper potty training is about minimizing them whenever possible. So not only should you give opportunities for your dog to perform the desired behavior (in this case pottying in the right places), but reasons for your dog to do so. Dogs repeat behaviors that have rewarded them in the past, and they develop routines just like people do. Your job is to make pottying in the right place more rewarding to your dog than pottying in undesirable locations. If they get rewards for going where you want them to go and nothing for doing it anywhere else, then they're going to keep pottying in the "right" places so they can keep those rewards coming! Now that we've covered the basics, let's go into more depth about exactly how to potty train a dog. #1: Prepare Your Home for Potty Training a Puppy Before you even bring your new puppy home, there are a few things you'll need to purchase to make potty training go as smoothly as possible. When it comes to house training you'll need three things for your new pup: containment, a designated bathroom area, and a reward. Containment Dogs are naturally averse to soiling their den-space. Ultimately, your goal is to teach your dog that the whole house is you and your pup's extra large den. To start this process, keep your puppy contained indoors or in your direct line of sight at all times. You'll need to restrict your puppy's free movement around the house so that you can prevent any accidents from occurring (and any bad habits from forming). As your dog gets older and more trustworthy, you can extend this free play time until your dog is free to roam the house most of the time. Containment can be a dog crate, a baby gate to contain the puppy in a particular room or area, or a puppy den/playpen. You might even use multiple types of containment depending on the time of day. For example, you may use a crate at night during bedtime and a puppy playpen during the day. As long as the space is limited and your puppy spends a good deal of time there, your pup will start to feel like that space is their den area. The more at home your pup feels in a space, the more reluctant they'll be to soil it. Bathroom Area You're really teaching your pup two different concepts when you potty train them: where to go to the bathroom, and where not to go to the bathroom. Teaching your dog where to go to the bathroom is much simpler than teaching them the ten thousand places not to go. Your dog will start to understand where to go potty if you take your pup to the same spot for every potty break. If you're using a wee mat, then always keep the mat in the same place and bring your puppy there for each bathroom break. If you're teaching your pup to go potty outside, always bring your pup (on a leash!) to the same spot each and every time. Wherever you choose to take them, this will soon become their "bathroom spot." And they'll soon learn that it's time to go potty whenever you lead them there. Reward Nothing says "job well done" better than a reward! For potty training purposes, praise, treats, and gentle pats act as rewards of good elimination behavior. In the first few weeks of house training, try to give your pup both praise and a dog treat for every successful elimination. As your pup gets older and more used to eliminating in the right place, you can start giving treats less often. But always remember to congratulate your pup every time! #2: Use a Cue Word to Show Your Puppy When to Potty To help your pup know what to do during potty breaks, it's best to connect the act with a cue word or phrase. That way, your pup will learn that the cue word means it's time to go. And, eventually, you'll also be able to ask your pup to go potty on command. The phrase or word can be anything you'd like it to be, such as "go potty" or "do your business." So long as it's a phrase you don't use in normal conversation, any phrase will work. Begin the process by saying the phrase just as your dog is starting to eliminate. (Note: say the cue gently enough that your pup doesn't get startled or distracted and stop!) Use the cue word every single time your pup eliminates in the right spot. Once you feel that your pup has connected the cue word with the action of eliminating (usually after 2 or 3 days), begin saying the cue word just as your pup starts to get into "potty position," but before your pup starts to actually eliminate. You're shifting the phrase to cue the behavior just before it occurs. That way, your dog will learn that the cue word means it's time to eliminate. Once you feel confident that your pup knows the cue acts as a command to eliminate (usually after a week or two of repetition), give the cue word before your pup even gets into position. Now you're signaling to your dog: "it's time to go!" even before they've thought of doing it themselves. If your pup doesn't eliminate on cue (or make an attempt to eliminate), then take a step back in the process and try again. Eventually, they'll connect the phrase with the command to potty. #3: Rely on Positive Reinforcement When Housebreaking a Puppy Lets talk a little more about rewards- positive reinforcement is a major part of how to potty train a puppy. As we've mentioned, dogs will quickly learn to repeat any behavior that results in a reward, which is a technique known as "positive reinforcement." If always going to the bathroom in the proper place gets your pup a reward (and eliminating inside never does), then your pup is going to want to start pottying in the proper place. With positive reinforcement, both consistency and timing are key. You'll want to praise and reward your pup every time you see the desired behavior, exactly when the behavior occurs. If you don't time the reward properly, your pup might believe the reward is connected to a separate behavior. For instance, if you give a reward too late, your puppy might think it's being rewarded for stopping peeing or stepping away from the potty area, rather than for eliminating in the right spot. Because timing for positive reinforcement is so crucial, it's a good idea to connect a word or a sound with a desired behavior (and its subsequent reward). That way, your dog knows it's being rewarded for the correct behavior and not something else. For example, if you say the word "yes!" or use another consistent noise like a clicker and then always give your dog a treat, your dog will connect the sound to the reward. Then, you can use that connection between "positive noise" and "reward" during potty training. While your dog is eliminating, use the "reward" sound to let your dog know that that particular behavior is the one that's being rewarded. That way, your pup still connects the proper behavior to the reward, even if it takes you an extra second or two to give your puppy the treat. By combining your go-potty cue word with your positive-reward signal, your potty training routine will eventually look like this: "Go potty!" *dog eliminates* "Yes!" *treat* #4: Set a Potty Training Schedule For the first few weeks, expect to take your puppy to go potty upwards of 10 to 15 times a day. When to take your puppy to go potty: First thing in the morning Immediately after each meal Immediately after your pup wakes up from a nap Regularly throughout the day and evening (every hour to every few hours) Right before bed What does it mean to take your puppy out "regularly" during the day? Begin by taking your puppy to the same designated potty area once every hour. Whether this is to a specific spot outside or to a wee mat, keep the location consistent to help acclimate your pup to going in a specific place. (Special note: avoid setting a loud timer to remind yourself to take your puppy out- your puppy will likely start associating the sound with potty time and it could lead to some accidents in the house if you're not careful!) Always wait until your pup has eliminated before going back inside. There will be a lot of "waiting around" time for both you and your pup during the first few weeks of potty training and you'll just have to be patient. Sometimes your pup will be reluctant to pee outside or on the wee mat for any number of reasons, and you may want to give up and just go inside. But it's very common that a puppy will spend 5 or 10 minutes doing nothing outside and then come straight inside and pee on the floor (argh!). So patience is the key to success. Eventually, your puppy will learn that eliminating in the right place (and doing so quickly!) brings a quicker reward. For every month, increase the time between outings by an hour. So you'll go from one to two hours, then three, and four, and so on, up to a maximum time of eight hours between bathroom breaks. If you notice that your pup is having more accidents or is otherwise signaling to go outside, go back the previous schedule and reduce the time between potty trips. As a general rule of thumb, puppies can hold their bladders for about an hour for every one month of age, up to eight hours. So a two-month-old puppy can hold its bladder for about two hours and a five-month-old puppy can hold its bladder for about five hours. No puppy (or grown dog) should be expected to hold its bladder for more than eight hours unless it's overnight. Do take note that this rule mostly applies to medium and larger breed dogs (over 30 lbs). Small dogs simply can't hold their bladders as long as larger dogs can, and this applies extra for puppies. So if you have a small breed puppy, subtract an hour or two from the estimate. A five-month-old Chihuahua puppy, for example, can reasonably hold its bladder for three to four hours. For the first three or four months- or even longer for smaller breeds- you'll also likely need to take your puppy outside or to the wee mat in the middle of the night or very early in the morning (think 4 or 5 AM). Small puppies just can't last the whole night without needing a bathroom break or soiling their sleeping area. So, even though it's annoying to have to get up in the middle of the night, you must do so for your pup. For the sake of your puppy (and your house) always respond promptly to your puppy's signals to go outside. #5: Give Your Puppy Free Play Time After your pup has eliminated in the proper place, you can allow 15 - 90 minutes of free, un-contained time (depending on how old your puppy is and how long your pup can hold its bladder). Make sure you keep your eyes on your puppy during this time to help prevent any accidents. After free time is over, invite your pup to go into the puppy den or contained area until it's time for the next potty break. "Free play" time should be only a fraction of as long as your puppy can reasonable hold its bladder. So if your puppy can only last for an hour until the next potty break, let free play time be a maximum of 15 minutes. If your pup can last four hours, let free play time be 50 or 60 minutes. Just because your pup can last for four hours between potty breaks doesn't mean it wants to unless confined to a space it's reluctant to soil. So don't invite temptation for your pup to eliminate in the house by allowing your puppy too much free time. Establishing a regular potty routine with your pup will help minimize accidents, as will learning how to interpret your dog's signals. It's common for dogs to circle, sniff at the ground, move to a corner of a room, whine, or scratch at doors to signal that they're about to relieve themselves or to indicate that they want to go outside. You'll have to figure out your own dog's personal signals and keep a sharp eye out. #6: Deal With House Training Accidents Calmly Accidents will inevitably happen while house training a puppy, so don't get too discouraged. And knowing how to properly handle and move on from potty training accidents is just as important as teaching the correct behavior. If you catch your puppy going to the bathroom where it shouldn't, interrupt the behavior as quickly as you can. Clap your hands, give a small cry, or say an "uh-un!" command to stop the dog from continuing. Your goal isn't to punish or frighten your dog, merely to stop the behavior. Immediately take your puppy to the designated "potty area" to finish, and give praise and a treat as normal when the deed is done. If you find evidence of a potty accident after the fact and don't catch your pup in the act, simply clean up the mess as soon as possible and move on. Make sure to use a bio-enzyme cleaner to remove any traces of pheromones or other odors in order to prevent your pup from targeting the same spot over and over. Although it can be frustrating to have a puppy who has accidents or to find urine or feces in corners of your home, never punish your dog retroactively. Dogs don't understand the connection between their earlier behavior and a later punishment. Dogs only understand a correction if you catch them in the act of doing something wrong and you interrupt that wrong behavior. So don't yell at your puppy, try to make them feel "guilty," or bring them over to the accident area to "confront" the mess; these actions won't have any positive effect on your pup's potty training and will only upset and confuse your dog. So, instead of yelling at your dog, take accidents as an indicator that you need to more carefully monitor your puppy's schedule and behavior. Your dog may need to go out a little more often than you had thought or need a smaller space when restricted so that they won't want to soil their "den" area. How Long Until a Dog Is Fully Potty Trained? House training is a long process and many trainers say that a dog is only considered "fully potty trained" if the dog has gone more than a year without having an accident indoors. For some dogs, it can take upwards of two or three years to reach this point. But most dogs are reasonably well potty trained by 12 to 18 months. And larger breed dogs (80 lbs+) tend to pick up on potty training faster than smaller dogs. If your puppy starts to have a higher number of accidents than before, take a step back in your potty training. Regression is common, so don't get discouraged if it happens. So if you'd been waiting four hours between potty breaks for your four-month-old puppy, then go back to three hours between breaks. Potty training isn't a race and each puppy will be different. Be patient with your pup and with yourself and you'll get there in the end. How to Potty Train a Puppy: 6 Steps When housebreaking a puppy, follow these guidelines: #1: Give your puppy a contained home space and a specific bathroom space.#2: Use a cue word to indicate to your dog that it's time to potty.#3: Set a clear potty training schedule.#4: Use treats and positive reinforcement to encourage your dog's progress.#5: Give your puppy a little free play time but not so much that their tempted to potty inside.#6: Interrupt dogs who are going to the bathroom in the house, but don't punish them retroactively. This guide covers all the basics of how to potty train a puppy, but don't hesitate to ask at your local pet store or doggy day care (or even dog park) if you have more questions!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definition and Examples of Propaganda
Definition and Examples of Propaganda Propaganda is a form of psychological warfare that involves theà spreading of information and ideas to advance a cause or discredit an opposing cause.à In their book Propaganda and Persuasion (2011), Garth S. Jowett and Victoria ODonnell define propaganda as the deliberate and systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. Pronunciation: prop-eh-GAN-da Etymology: from the Latin, to propagate Examples and Observations Every day we are bombarded with one persuasive communication after another. These appeals persuade not through the give-and-take of argument and debate but through the manipulation of symbols and of our most basic human emotions. For better or worse, ours is an age of propaganda.(Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson, Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion, rev. ed. Owl Books, 2002) Rhetoric and Propaganda Rhetoric and propaganda, both in popular and academic commentary, are widely viewed as interchangeable forms of communication; and historical treatments of propaganda often include classical rhetoric (and sophistry) as early forms or antecedents of modern propaganda (e.g., Jowett and ODonnell, 1992. pp. 27-31).(Stanley B. Cunningham, The Idea of Propaganda: A Reconstruction. Praeger, 2002)Throughout the history of rhetoric, . . . critics have deliberately drawn distinctions between rhetoric and propaganda. On the other hand, evidence of the conflation of rhetoric and propaganda, under the general notion of persuasion, has become increasingly obvious, especially in the classroom, where students seem incapable of differentiating among the suasory forms of communication pervasive now in our heavily mediated society. . . .In a society where the system of government is based, at least in part, on the full, robust, give-and-take of persuasion in the context of debate, this conflation is de eply troubling. To the extent that all persuasive activity was lumped together with propaganda and given the evil connotation (Hummel Huntress 1949, p. 1) the label carried, persuasive speech (i.e. rhetoric) would never hold the central place in education or democratic civic life it was designed to. (Beth S. Bennett and Sean Patrick ORourke, A Prolegomenon to the Future Study of Rhetoric and Propaganda. Readings in Propaganda and Persuasion: New and Classic Essays, ed by Garth S. Jowett and Victoria ODonnell. Sage, 2006) Examples of Propaganda A massive propaganda campaign by the South Korean military drew an ominous warning from North Korea on Sunday, with Pyongyang saying that it would fire across the border at anyone sending helium balloons carrying anti-North Korean messages into the country.A statement carried by the Northââ¬â¢s official news agency said the balloon-and-leaflet campaign by the puppet military in the frontline area is a treacherous deed and a wanton challenge to peace on the Korean Peninsula.(Mark McDonald, N. Korea Threatens South on Balloon Propaganda. The New York Times, Feb. 27, 2011)The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with United States Central Command (Centcom), which oversees US armed operations in the Middle East and Central Asia, to develop what is described as an online persona m anagement service that will allow one US serviceman or woman to control up to 10 separate identities based all over the world.(Nick Fielding and Ian Cobain, Revealed: US Spy Operation That Manipulates Social Media. The Guardian, March 17, 2011) ISIS Propaganda Former US public diplomacy officials fear the sophisticated, social media-borne propaganda of the Islamic State militant group (Isis) is outmatching American efforts at countering it.Isis propaganda runs the gamut from the gruesome video-recorded beheadings of journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff to Instagram photographs of cats with AK-47s, indicating a comfort Isis has with internet culture. A common theme, shown in euphoric images uploaded to YouTube of jihadi fighters parading in armored US-made vehicles captured from the Iraqi military, is Isisââ¬â¢s potency and success. . . .Online, the most visible US attempt to counter to Isis comes from a social media campaign called Think Again Turn Away, run by a State Department office called the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications.(Spencer Ackerman, Isiss Online Propaganda Outpacing US Counter-Efforts. The Guardian, September 22, 2014) The Aims of Propaganda The characteristic that propaganda is a form of mass media argumentation should not, in itself, be regarded as sufficient for drawing the conclusion that all propaganda is irrational or illogical or that any argument used in propaganda is for that reason alone fallacious. . . .[T]he aim of propaganda is not just to secure a respondents assent to a proposition by persuading him that it is true or that it is supported by propositions he is already committed to. The aim of propaganda is to get the respondent to act, to adopt a certain course of action, or to go along with and assist in a particular policy. Merely securing assent or commitment to a proposition is not enough to make propaganda successful in securing its aim.(Douglas N. Walton, Media Argumentation: Dialectic, Persuasion, and Rhetoric. Cambridge University Press, 2007) Recognizing Propaganda The only truly serious attitude . . . is to show people the extreme effectiveness of the weapon used against them, to rouse them to defend themselves by making them aware of their frailty and their vulnerability instead of soothing them with the worst illusion, that of a security that neither mans nature nor the techniques of propaganda permit him to possess. It is merely convenient to realize that the side of freedom and truth for man has not yet lost, but that it may well loseand that in this game, propaganda is undoubtedly the most formidable power, acting in only one direction (toward the destruction of truth and freedom), no matter what the good intentions or the goodwill may be of those who manipulate it.(Jacques Ellul, Propaganda: The Formation of Mens Attitudes. Vintage Books, 1973)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Pizza Hut and GE Culture Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pizza Hut and GE Culture Management - Essay Example GEââ¬â¢s culture was based on individuals and intrinsic motivation which helps its employees seek benefits for the company while they seek benefits for themselves. As outlined by Jack Welch in his management related book Winning (2005), GE rewards those employees who are instrumental in helping GE grow and achieve the corporate vision and punishes those who are not performing to the highest level. In fact, layoffs and quarterly removal of lowest performing employees is an essential part of the management style employed at GE. The method used by GE to control the culture of their operations in Hungary was dependent upon the Hungarian acceptance of their 95 page manual on corporate culture titled Integrity: The Sprit and Letter of Our Commitment. The initial results were disastrous to say the least since bad press, negative sentiments and resentment amongst the employees was created once GEââ¬â¢s creed was being established in the company. However, with time, the situation subsided and the majority of employees accepted the way GE worked. The most important advantage of changing GELââ¬â¢s European operations from the domestic to regional and global levels was the change in culture which came about when the employees realized they were competing in such markets. The location and availability of labor can also be expected to have played a role here since the Hungarian labor market is closer to the western countries it is supposed to cater for rather than the Russian bloc or the Asian markets where GEââ¬â¢s products might be seen as too expensive. While the expansion of GELââ¬â¢s operation to global level worked in this particular case, there is not enough information to say whether the same process would be successful if it is applied to other GE operations around the world There are several factors which must be considered before local operations can be asked to provide
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Origin of Conflict Amongst the US and Iraq Essay
Origin of Conflict Amongst the US and Iraq - Essay Example 10). ISLAM Islam originates from Saudi Arabia and is perceived as successor religion to Christianity; since it clinches a mass of Christian and Jewish beliefs, while at the same time building on several beliefs. These religions belief in prophets of God like Abraham and Jesus being bearers of new messages that change in beliefs, although only Muslims belief in Muhammad as being the last prophet; a belief that is not embraced by other religions (Keegan 2004, p. 35). Islam developed gradually, especially in the fifteenth century all over the world, especially in the Middle East, Africa and some European countries. This tremendous range of Islam was ruled by leaders, caliphs, who assembled religion and civic governance. This association goes against the American belief of proper governance, which implies that religion and government are obviously differing social activities and that the government is restricted from showing support to any particular religion. The Islamic empire grew dra stically which led to different sections of the Islamic empire started breaking into conflicting splinter groups as a result of increased wealth, as well as a variety of interests and customs. The central part of the Islamic empire that is situated in parts of Turkey, Iran and Iraq, transversed by international travel roads from and to China, India and other parts of the Orient (Cashman 2007, p. 48). As anticipated, conflict occurred given that the Middle East, which is currently referred to as Israel, was the place where Christianity, Islam and Judaism originated. As a result, there were military endeavors referred to as Crusades, in an attempt to recapture the Christian Holy Land from Muslims, which created a block of hostility, antagonism, threat and fear amongst the Islamic East and Christian West. Apart from that, succession to Islamââ¬â¢s leadership was the first cause of conflict amongst Muslims; with the main split amongst Sunnis and Shiites, as to who was the genuine suc cessor of Muhammad (Hess 2009, p.76). TRADE ROUTES During the Industrial Revolution, the West developed gradually especially in wealth, physical resources, competence as skills, as well as military experience and power, unlike the Islamic territories. As a result, the West secured more colonial empires by being hostile to countries that influence its trade routes, which in most cases were Islamic. They did this by taking control of countries, or part of countries, and imposing on them rules that were disadvantageous and humiliating to Islamic people and their countries, while, on the other hand, those rules were advantageous to the West (Hiro 2009, p.100) While bringing change, both the British and French were mainly concerned with the short term gains they would achieve by splitting the empire into independent nations, rather than the long term growth of these regions. The British established and implemented their desired government in a place that is currently Iraq, which was perc eived as unsatisfactory by the indigenous leading to the rebellion that prolonged for years, giving rise to the rise of Baath Party that eventually acquired control of Iraq, as well as the rise of Saddam Hussein. Apart from that, this place, which is currently Israel, was set up in a manner that gave British control over the area, and this meant long term suffering in Palestine.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ensuring children and young peopleââ¬â¢s safety Essay Example for Free
Ensuring children and young peopleââ¬â¢s safety Essay Ensuring children and young peopleââ¬â¢s safety and welfare in the work setting is an essential part of safeguarding. While children are at school, practitioners act in ââ¬Ëloco parentisââ¬â¢ while their parents are away. As part of their legal and professional obligations, practitioners hold positions of trust and a duty of care to the children in their school, and therefore should always act in their best interests and ensure their safety ââ¬â the welfare of the child is paramount (Children Act 1989). The Children Act 2004 came in with the Every Child Matters (ECM) guidelines and greatly impacted the way schools look at the care and welfare of pupils. Children and young people should be helped to learn and thrive and be given the opportunity to achieve the five basic outcomes: be healthy; stay safe; enjoy and achieve; make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. Children are vulnerable and depending on their age and level of development, do not see danger or recognise risks. They do not know when or how to look after themselves and need adults to protect them and ensure their safety, whilst encouraging their independence in an age appropriate manner. All organisations that employ staff or volunteers to work with children need to use a safer recruitment practice. In March 2005, following the Soham murders and the subsequent Bichard Inquiry, the DCSF ââ¬â Department for Children, Schools and Families (previously the DES and the DoH) proposed that Recommendation 19 of the Bichard Inquiry should be carried out: ââ¬Ënew arrangements should be introduced requiring those who wish to work with children, or vulnerable adults, to be registered. The register would confirm that there is no known reason why an individual should not work with these clients.ââ¬â¢ As a result, the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 was passed, providing the legislative framework for the new Vetting and Barring scheme. This Act established the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) to make decisions about who should be allowed to work with children, the elderly and other vulnerable adults and to maintain lists of those who are barred. Under the Act, it is an offence for an employer to employ a barred person in a role with children. It is also an offence for a barred person to apply forà such a role. Employers must also advise the ISA if an individual harms a child whilst working for them. The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 merged the ISA with the CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) to form the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Services). It also differentiated between supervised and unsupervised activities. Schools should have policies and procedures for safer recruitment practice, which should be applied at every stage in the recruitment process, from advertising, references and pre-interview checks, to the selection of candidates, interviewing process and the offer of appointment. As part of the process, every adult wanting to work with children or vulnerable adults must have a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Services) check. There are three levels of DBS disclosure: -Basic disclosure: details relevant information about the individual, together with any convictions (spent or in force), cautions or warnings that the individual has received. -Enhanced disclosure: includes the same as the basic disclosure, plus any additional relevant information held by the police. -Enhanced disclosure with Barred List Check. Schools must also ensure that any adults (including cleaners and caretakers) or volunteers in the workplace do not have unsupervised access to children unless they have been DBS checked. Schools need to ensure that they provide children and young people with a happy safe environment to learn and develop, with trusted and supportive adults. Practitioners need to actively promote the well-being and welfare of every child. This includes providing a wide range of activities to promote development through play as well as formal learning. These activities should include age appropriate toys and games that meet the Toy (Safety) Regulations 1995 and are in a good state of repair. Practitioners should check for Kitemarks and CE markings. Kitemarks are symbols that show products have been tested and meet the British Standard Institute requirements. CE markings show that products meet European standards as set out by the European Community. Children also need to communicate and socialise with their peers, children from other age groups and other adults. They need to feel safe and secure in their environment so that they feel able to speak to adults about any concerns they may have, or to ask questions and seek help without fear of embarrassment. They need good role models who can help them extend their decision making skills and develop independence appropriate to their age and development level. Practitioners have a further responsibility to provide additional support to children who may have special educational needs. This may be through individual sessions within the school, liaison with external services such as educational psychologists or through the CAF (Common Assessment Framework) process. The CAF process was developed to gather and assess information in relation to a childââ¬â¢s needs in development, parenting and the family environment. It is a service that should be offered to children (and their families) whose additional needs are not being met through universal services within the school. Practitioners also need to protect any children who may be at risk of significant harm because of their home life and personal circumstances. There are a number of policies and procedures that should be in place in schools to ensure children and young peopleââ¬â¢s protection and safety: â⬠¢Working in an open and transparent way ââ¬â adults should make sure that another member of staff is always aware of where they are working, especially if they are alone in a room with a child, there should always be visual access or the door should remain open. â⬠¢Duty of care ââ¬â adults should always act in the best interests of the child and ensure their safety ââ¬â the welfare of the child is paramount (Children Act 1989). â⬠¢Whistleblowing staff should understand their responsibilities to raise concerns of malpractice. Staff will be deemed to be failing in their duty to safeguard children if they do not act. â⬠¢Listening to children adults relationships with children should always be professional, caring and respectful. Children need to feel valued and listened to. â⬠¢Power and positions of trust adults working with children hold positions of trust due to their access to the children in their care, and relationships between pupils and staff willà always have an unequal balance of power ââ¬â these positions should never be abused. â⬠¢Behaviour teachers should behave in such a way as to safeguard childrenââ¬â¢s well-being and maintain public trust in the teaching profession. â⬠¢Physical contact staff should ensure that any contact with children is entirely professionally appropriate. â⬠¢Off-site visits staff must take particular care to ensure that clear boundaries are maintained and full risk assessments must be carried out prior to a visit. â⬠¢Recording of images ââ¬â there must be age-appropriate consent from the person or their parents or carers. â⬠¢Intimate personal care all children have a right to safety, privacy and dignity when intimate care is required. â⬠¢Sharing concerns and information highly confidential information about children and their families should only ever be shared on a need to know basis, and anonymously wherever possible. â⬠¢Security ââ¬â school premises should be made secure with fencing, gates and locking doors with secure access codes to prevent unwelcome visitors and to stop children from leaving the premises unaccompanied. There should be clear locking and unlocking procedures and stringent rules for visitor access to the buildings. Contractors should be LA approved or selected using safe selection procedures and should have carried out appropriate risk assessments in advance. They should be given information to enable them to follow the schoolââ¬â¢s safety procedures. The three main areas that address the protection of children from harm in the work setting are: child protection; health and safety, and risk assessments. â⬠¢Child protection. It is the responsibility of all adults in the setting to actively safeguard children and young people and to prevent abuse or neglect. The setting should detail how the policies and procedures should work on a daily basis and outline current legislation in this area (see Task A). The policy should describe the responsibilities of the setting as well as those of individuals. It should include a summary of the possible signs of abuse or neglect for staff to refer to (see Task D1). Staff are required to respond to any concerns in an appropriate and timely manner. There should be clear guidelines on how staff should proceed when there are concerns, orà allegations have been made, including the role of the designated CPO (Child Protection Officer) (see Task D2). Staff should also be made aware of the procedures if the allegation concerns another member of staff or the head teacher (see Section 2 below). The policy should detail external services that may be required, including names and telephone numbers etc. There should be specific guidance about how to behave if a child or young person makes an allegation of abuse. The policy should detail other procedures and policies that support staff responsibilities in this area, such as the behaviour and anti-bullying policies (see Task E) and the whistleblowing policy (see Section 3 below). â⬠¢Health and Safety. Schools are legally required to have a Health and Safety policy to ensure that there is a plan for how health and safety is managed in the setting and that all staff are aware of all their responsibilities. This policy should be read and implemented by all staff and it should form part of the induction process for new members of staff. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 were designed to protect everyone at work. The employer in a school must take reasonable steps to ensure that staff and pupils are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. This applies to activities on or off school premises. The employer is required to carry out regular reviews of the school, its premises and activities. There should be a designated health and safety representative at every setting who is responsible for the reviews and any subsequent action. The reviews should involve regular walks around the school as well as safety checks on equipment. All electrical items should be checked annually by a qualified electrician. Fire extinguishers should also be checked annually. Staff should ensure that they use any safety equipment provided and store it safely. All materials and equipment used in schools should meet recognised safety standards. Practitioners should check for Kitemarks and CE markings. Kitemarks are symbols that show products have been tested and meet the British Standard Institute requirements. CE markings show that products meet European standards as set out by the European Community. The Workplace, (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 deal with physical conditions in theà workplace and require employers to meet minimum standards in relation to a wide range of issues, including: maintenance of buildings and equipment; lighting; provision of drinking water; temperature; ventilation; rest rooms; toilet facili ties; room dimensions and space; cleanliness; condition of floors and traffic routes. The School Premises (England) Regulations 2012 apply to all maintained schools in England, and came into effect in October 2012. This legislation works in conjunction with the Workplace Regulations, but applies specifically to school standards, which are often more stringent i.e. the provision of a medical room for pupils, or a lower maximum temperature for hand washing in childrenââ¬â¢s toilet facilities. To protect children and young people from harm on the premises, the school should consider the following: â⬠¢Safety of the indoor and outdoor play equipment, including water and sand play. â⬠¢Safety in the school kitchen, including the storage, preparation and cooking of food. â⬠¢Fire safety, including maintaining clearly marked exit routes and doors. â⬠¢Appropriately sized furniture and equipment for the children. â⬠¢Safe storage of hazardous materials under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002. â⬠¢Appropriate adult-child ratios at all times. â⬠¢First aid training for staff, with sufficient numbers of first aid trained staff on the premises at all times. â⬠¢Safety in the dining hall, including hot food, spillages, choking risks etc. â⬠¢Vigilance in challenging unidentified adults. â⬠¢Procedures for cleaning up bodily fluids, vomit or faeces. â⬠¢Internet safety. â⬠¢Hand washing facilities and practices. â⬠¢Adaptations where necessary for children with special needs or disabilities. â⬠¢Safety of outdoor play areas, including access, space and floor surfacing. â⬠¢Safe storage and supervision of medicines. â⬠¢Implementation of procedures for children and staff with illnesses, i.e. remaining away from school for 48 hours after sickness or diarrhoea. â⬠¢Aà nominated person for asbestos and legionella competency. â⬠¢Tidiness and safety of traffic routes around the premises. Off-site educational visits have additional issues that could affect childrenââ¬â¢s safety. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires full risk assessments to be carried out prior to a visit. Employers must assess the risks of activities, plan measures to control the risks and inform employees of the measures. Staff must follow school and Local Authority regulations, policies and guidance, which include: evidence of parental permission; emergency procedures; first aid kit and trained staff; appropriate clothing and equipment; qualified staff for activities; adult to children ratios; special educational or medical needs of the children; approval of volunteers (including DBS checks); age and competence of the pupils and transport arrangements. Health and Safety arrangements also require members of staff to keep colleagues/senior staff aware of their whereabouts and movements. â⬠¢Risk assessments. It is a legal requirement for all employers to carry out risk assessments. Risk assessments are a formal examination of things that could cause harm to people. The Health and Safety Executive guidance sets out a simple Five Steps to Risk Assessment: Step 1: Look for the hazards and risks. A hazard is something that can cause harm. A risk is the likelihood of harm together with the consequences should it take place. Step 2: Decide who could be harmed and how. Step 3: It is necessary to differentiate between hazards and risks and then to prioritise them, dealing with the most serious risks first. Decide whether the existing precautions are sufficient. If not, decide what other precautions should be introduced and ensure that they are put in place. Step 4: Record your actions and findings. Step 5: Review the assessment at regular intervals, or if circumstancesà change, and revise if necessary. Risk assessments should be used within the school setting e.g. for a new climbing frame or for outdoor water play, and also for off-site visits regardless of their duration. The head teacher is usually responsible for risk assessments and should sign and date them after they are completed. If existing precautions are not satisfactory, then activities may have to be restricted or stopped until changes are made. Changes may involve staff training or additional equipment. Risk assessments will also need to be carried out for individuals with special needs or disabilities and specialists may come to the school to carry them out. Other individuals may require a risk assessment in certain circumstances, i.e. a pupil on crutches or temporarily in a wheelchair. Ofsted inspectors would expect risk assessments to be available as part of their inspections. Risk assessments should form part of a schoolââ¬â¢s management processes and help to formalise working practices and arrangements. They are a valuable tool for identifying problems and potential problems, monitoring situations and ensuring precautions are taken to keep children and adults safe from harm.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comradeship in James Hanleys The German Prisoner, Ernest Hemingways F
Comradeship in James Hanley's "The German Prisoner", Ernest Hemingway's "Farewell to Arms", "Not So Quiet", "All Quiet on the Western Front", and Pat Baker's "Regeneration" For many soldiers and volunteers, life on the fronts during the war means danger, and there are few if any distractions from its horrors. Each comradeship serves as a divergence from the daily atrocities and makes life tolerable. Yet, the same bonds that most World War literature romantically portrays can be equally negative. James Hanleyââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The German Prisonerâ⬠, shows the horrifying results of such alliances, while ââ¬Å"Farewell to Armsâ⬠by Ernest Hemmingway reveal that occasionally, some individuals like Lieutenant Henri seek solidarity outside the combat zone. Smithy of ââ¬Å"Not So Quietâ⬠and Paul Baumer in ââ¬Å"All Quiet on the Western Frontâ⬠demonstrate the importance and advantages of comradeship while giving credence to the romance of these connections. Pat Barkerââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Regenerationâ⬠depicts Siegfried Sassoon, as an officer who places comradeship and honor above his own personal anti war convictions. Regardless of t he consequences, each demonstrates not only the different results of comradeship but also its power and level of importance to each character in the abovementioned writings. James Hanley provides an uncommon perspective of comradeship that contrasts the usual romantic representations by other World War 1 writers. Elston is from Manchester, England, a poor industrial city and Oââ¬â¢Garra is from the impoverished town of Dublin, Ireland (48). Both men enlist in the service to escape their poverty and squalid environments. Oââ¬â¢Garro is physically repulsive and the more aggressive of the two but loathes Elston who contrasts him in disposition and phys... it had hardenedâ⬠¦Siegfriedââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ësolutionââ¬â¢ wasâ⬠¦going backâ⬠¦to look after some menâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (249). This was the truth! Sassoon, still disillusioned, returns to the front out of a strong sense of obligation and honor. Comradeship disrupts Sassoonââ¬â¢s resistance and allows his passionate protest to quell. Overall, these works reveal the broad effects of comradeships. Some, like ââ¬Å"The German Prisonerâ⬠are potentially dangerous alliances and can be negative. Conversely, comradeship similar to that of Paul Baumer and Kat, and Smithy and the other volunteers, allow the reader to explore the resultant intimacy of comradeships between people of similar and different backgrounds. Still other bonds similar to Henriââ¬â¢s and Catherineââ¬â¢s shun traditional comradeship and all its romantic ideals. Finally, it is Hemmingway who shows the power that comradeship wields over a soldier.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Music History: Renaissance Era
The Renaissance was the great age of vocal polyphony, music consisting of a number of equally important voice parts all woven together to create a complex tapestry of overlapping melodies and beautiful harmonies. In religious music, the primary compositional forms were the Mass and the motet, while in secular music they were the French chanson, or song (for three or four voices), and the Italian madrigal. Instrumental music was not, for the most part, as formalized during the Renaissance as it would later become. Instruments were used in varying combinations to accompany singers (in both religious and secular music), to provide music for private entertainment and dancing, and to provide festive or ceremonial music for towns and royal courts. Principal instruments of the period included the lute, organ, and harpsichord, viols, recorders shawms (double-reed precursors of the oboe), cruhorns (also double-reed instruments), trombones and trumpets (Gangwere). Among the most important composers of the Renaissance were Guillaume Dufay, of the so-called Burgundian school, centered at the court of the dukes of Burgundy in Dijon France and Johannes Ockeghem, Jacob Obrecht, Josquin des Prez, and later, Orlando di Lasoo of the Flemish school (Pen). The Mass The unvarying structure of the mass, the constancy of the text, and the solemnity of function were not conducive to musical experimentation in mass composition. Flemish masses still used the cantus firmus techniques of the earlier Burgundian masters. In the hands of exceptional composers such as Giovanni da Palestrina the mass was a highly devotional and serene expression of the liturgy, perfectly suited to the austerity demanded by the Counter Reformation. Palestrinaââ¬â¢s flexible arched melodic lines, his studied use of consonance and dissonance, and his beautifully constructed harmonic sonorities became the model for generations of counterpoint teachers (Hoffman). The Motet The early motet (from the French word meaning ââ¬Å"wordâ⬠) frequently contained different texts in various languages for each voice parts. Complexities of word setting and tone painting were simply not an important aspect of the music for early motet composers. As the humanism began to exert its influence, composers grew more attentive to text setting. The single text was the motivating force for the motet. Each section of music was presented as a separate musical episode that attempted to highlight the clarity of the text as well as to convey the emotional impact of the words. This style of sensitive text representation came to be known as music reservata. Composers developed specific techniques for the musica reservata style. Second, the natural speech rhythm was matched by melodic rhythm so that the words were correctly accented. Third, syllabic treatment of text and expressive figures were used to portray the message of the text (Hoffman). The Chanson Chansons were three-voice secular works in which the music closely mirrored the meaning of the French poetic text. The text, usually an expression of love, was in rondeau form with a two-line refrain (A B a A a b A B). Although they may have been performed entirely by voices, the usual presentation probably featured a solo voice on the top (superius) line with the bottom two polyphonic lines played by instruments (Hoffman). Other musics such as chorale, anthem, psalm settings, frottola and madrigal are legacies of Renaissance period. It was only during the Renaissance that musicians begun to recognize the idiomatic potential of instruments and consequently began composing in particular genres intended for instrumental rather than choral performance (Pen). Works Cited Gangwere, Blanche. Music History During the Renaissance Period, 1520-1550: A Documented Chronology. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004. Hoffman, Miles. The Npr Classical Music Companion: An Essential Guide for Enlightened Listening. Houghton Mifflin Books, 2005. Pen, Ronald. Introduction to Music. McGraw-Hill Professional, 1992. Ã
Sunday, November 10, 2019
2 Unit Religion – Aboriginal Spirituality.
What does Terra Nullius mean? From at least 60,000 B. C. , Australia was inhabited entirely by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with traditional, social and land rights. To the Aborigines the land was everything to them and is closely linked to their Dreaming stories. Dreaming is the belief system which explains how the ancestral beings moved across the land and created life and significant geographic features. In consideration, the Indigenous Australians are a people with a close relationship with the land, and through the land they maintain the spiritual links to the ancestral beings.The land is sacred, and for many thousand years, Aboriginal people lived in harmony on their land. After the arrival of the British colonies in 1788, Australia was declared ââ¬Å"Terra Nulliusâ⬠, which is a Latin term meaning land belongs to no one. As a result of this, Captain Cook, the British captain of the first fleet of ships to arrive at Australiaââ¬â¢s shore, claimed that al l of the east coast of Australia belonged to Britain. The underlying argument was that Aboriginal people were so low on scale of human development that their needs were discounted.Because Aboriginal people did not farm the land, build permanent houses on it or use it in other familiar ways, the British decreed that they did not have rights over the land nor did they have any proof of land ownership. Another reason was that there was no identifiable hierarchy or political order which the British government could recognise or negotiate with. Once European settlement began, Aboriginal rights to traditional lands was disregarded and the Aboriginal people of the Sydney region were almost obliterated by introduced diseases and, to a lesser extent, armed force.First contacts were relatively peaceful but Aboriginal people and their culture was strange to the Europeans as well as their plants and animals. Consequently, Terra Nullius continued on for over 200 years. Figure 1: Eddie Mabo Figur e 1: Eddie Mabo Who was Eddie Mabo? Eddie ââ¬ËKoikiââ¬â¢ Mabo (seen in figure 1) was born on 29 June 1936, in the community of Las on Mer, known as Murray Island in the Torres Strait. His birth name was Eddie Koiki Sambo; however he was raised by his Uncle Benny Mabo through a customary ââ¬ËIsland adoptionââ¬â¢. During this time, the concept of ââ¬Å"terra nulliusâ⬠was legislation.When Eddie was growing up, life for the people of the Torres Strait Islands was strictly regulated with laws made by the Queensland Government. However, the Meriam people strived to maintain continuity with the past and continued to live a traditional lifestyle based on fishing, gardening and customary laws of inheritance. At the age of 16, Eddie was exiled from Murray Island for breaking customary Island law, and he set off for the mainland where a new life was waiting for him. Through university, Eddie read a speech in front of people about his peopleââ¬â¢s belief about the land own ership.A lawyer heard him and asked if he would like to argue with the Australian government about the right for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to have land rights. After this, Eddie Mabo was successful in addressing the concept of native title to the Australian government on behalf of Murray Island people. He is known for his role in campaigning for indigenous land rights and for his role in a landmark decision of the high court of Australia which neglected the legal doctrine of ââ¬Å"terra nulliusâ⬠land belong to nobody, which characterized Australian law with regards to land and title.Eddie died in 21 January 1992 and was unable to see the native title given to them. What were the Mabo case and the high court decisions? In the 1970ââ¬â¢s, the Queensland Government took over Aboriginal land and was unsympathetic to the concept of land rights or any idea of native title to the land. On the 20th of May 1982, Eddie Koiki Mabo and four other Torres Strait Islanders c hallenged ââ¬Å"terra Nulliusâ⬠and began their legal claim for ownership to the Supreme Court of Queensland of heir lands on the island of Mer in the Torres Strait since their people had lived on the islands long before the arrival of the white settlement. Eventually, the supreme court of Queensland dismissed the case. Later, another challenge to the concept of ââ¬Å"terra Nulliusâ⬠was witnessed when Mabo and the four other islanders took the case to the High court of Australia. They requested that the court declare that their traditional land ownership and rights to the land and seas of the Mer Islands had not been extinguished. Furthermore, they claimed that the Crownââ¬â¢s authority over the islands was subject to the land rights of the Murray Islanders.It was not until 3 June 1992 that Mabo case No. 2 was decided. By then, 10 years after the case opened, Eddie Mabo had died. By a majority, six out of one of the judges agreed that the Meriam people did have tradi tional ownership of their land. The judges held that British possession had not eliminated their title and that the Meriam people are entitled as to possession, occupation, use and enjoyment of the lands of the Murray Islands. This decision has wiped the concept of ââ¬Å"terra nulliusâ⬠and awarded the indigenous Australians with the Native Title.Consequently, the term ââ¬Å"Native titleâ⬠is still in existence and contributed to allow the Indigenous Australians to maintain a continuous spiritual and cultural connection to the land. Therefore, this decision was important because it recognised that Australia was inhabited By the Indigenous Australians long before the White settlement and hold the native title. What is the Native title Act (1993) Commonwealth? Native title is a legal term which recognises the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to the use and occupation of lands with which they have maintained a continuing, traditional connections.Eventu ally, in the 1970ââ¬â¢s the Queensland government began to remove the land rights of people of Murray Island in the Torres Strait. One of the Meriam people, Eddie Mabo, took the Queensland Government to court to prevent this from happening. Sadly, this case failed. Moreover, Mabo and some other people took the case to the high court of Australia. The high court decided in favour of the Meriam people and recognised the principle of Native title. Ultimately, during this historical event, Eddie Mabo was dead. In 1993, The Keating Labor government passed the Native Title Act.This Act accepted the notion of Native title in law and also recognised the rights of owners of freehold property. Nevertheless, pastoralists and miners were still concerned, and many people leased land from the government. The legislation aimed to codify the Mabo decision and implemented strategies to facilitate the process of granting native title. However, it had not resolved the question of whether the granti ng of pastoral lease extinguished Native title. In this case, the High court argued that native title could co-exist with the rights of leaseholders.However, the pastoralists and the mining companies who lease lands were still concerned that the court was too much in favour of native title. In 1997, native title act passed by the Howard government. This act stated that Native title and leasehold rights could co-exist and in any conflict, the rights or the leaseholders would come first. What was the Wik Decision (1996) commonwealth? The Native title Act of 1993 had not resolved the question of whether the granting of a pastoral lease extinguished Native title.In 1993, the Wik people on Cape York in Queensland made a claim for land on Cape York Peninsula which included two large Pastoral leases. The federal court upheld the Native Title Act 1993 against the Wik people, with an argument that Aboriginal Australians had no control over land that has been leased. This case was further tak en to the High court of Australia. In December 1996, the high court ruled that the granting of a pastoral lease had not in fact extinguished native title. With reference to a letter from 1848 in which a British secretary of state for colonies wrote to governor ofNSW which stated that the leaseholders had to negotiate with the traditional owners to allow them access. Pastoralists viewed the Wik decision with great concerns, for they had always believed that they had full and sole rights to manage their leases. After the Wik decision, Pastoralists would have to negotiate with any group who could prove native title right. Unfortunately, the pastoralists and miners increased the pressure on government because they were not happy with the Wik decision and the idea that Indigenous Australians had rights to leased land.After a debate on this issue, the Howard government passed an amendment to the 1993 Native title Act. This change reduced the rights of indigenous Australians under the act and removed their right to negotiate with pastoralists and miners. This new law, made it difficult for Aboriginal Australians to make land rights claims Outline the importance of the Dreaming for the land rights movement? The Dreaming for Australian Indigenous people (sometimes referred to as the Dreamtime or Dreamtimes) refers to when the Ancestral Beings moved across the land and created life and significant geographic features.The land rights are of critical importance in relation to Aboriginal spirituality, because the dreaming is inextricably connected with the land. Since the Dreaming is closely connected to the land, the land rights movement is an important movement in helping Aboriginal people re-establish spiritual links with their sacred land which was lost as a result of the European settlement. The dreaming is essential to the land rights movement because of many reasons such as: To the Aborigines, the dreaming is the central role which land occupies in Aboriginal spirit uality, as land is the path through which the dreaming is experienced and communicated.Without the land, the dreaming cannot be communicated because it is from the land that the stories of ancestor spirits in the dreaming flow. It is through their intimate connection to the land that the foundational concept which lies at the heart of Aboriginal spirituality, that is, the dreaming can be accessed. The land therefore, acts as the mother for the Aboriginal people, and that since it is, the identity of every Aboriginal person is closely linked to the land. Therefore, the importance of the land rights movement for Aboriginal spirituality should not be underestimated.More importantly, the dreaming stories provide the entire ethical and moral basis by which Aboriginal people live on their land and relate to each other. It is known that the access to their land is fundamental to the putting into practice of Aboriginal law. This factor underlies the Aboriginal law is the knowledge and ritua l relating to sacred sites. These sites need to be cared for and this is done through ritual ceremony. Each person is linked to the spirit ancestor who created the land, and it is this which creates an Aboriginal personââ¬â¢s identity.Through the dreaming, Spirit connects each person with particular sacred sites, with the result that each person has a connection with specific places on the land. According to the Aboriginal belief system, individuals have clearly defined responsibilities in relation to the land, in particular the protection of sacred sites. Sacred sites may be desecrated through grazing, mining, or perhaps contact with site by people without knowledge of the necessary ritual. Access to these sites is critical for the performance of rituals and ceremonies so that the law can be taught to new generations.Another importance of the dreaming is that the dreaming connects each tribe to a totem. A totem is an emblem mainly a plant or an animal that has become a symbol fo r a group who is believed to be responsible for their existence. The totem unifies the Clan (group) under the leadership of the spirit ancestor and thereby also creates a metaphysical connection with other clans bearing the same totem. Without their access to their totems, the Aboriginal people would lose their identity and prevent the belief system to be passed on to the next generation. Also, being taken away from a totem can alienate the individual from their clan.The land rights movement can re-establish the access to the totems and belonging to the same clan under the sacred totem. Thus, the dreaming which explains the clanââ¬â¢s existence by their totem is essential to the land rights movement. For the purpose of land rights and spiritual fulfilment of the land, the Australian History has witnessed many land rights movement. Those include the Yolgnu people of Yirrkala in 1963 and the 1966 Gurindji people. In 1963, the Yolgnu people of Yirrkala sent a typed petition in both their own language and English to the federal parliament because the government had granted a mining company the right to mine auxite without consulting the traditional owners. The paper was fixed to a surrounding bark painting which depicted the peopleââ¬â¢s relationship with the land, and the Yirrkala people were seeking recognition of rights to their traditional lands on the Gove Peninsula. This however, was rejected in the court. To not underestimating this land rights movement, it was the first Aboriginal land rights movement and was an important step in the eventual recognition of indigenous land rights movement.Another Early land rights movement was in 1966, when the Gurindji people began a strike at the British-owned Wave Hill station in the Northern Territory to protest about intolerable working conditions and low wages. They set up a camp at Wattie Creek and demanded that some of their traditional lands to be restored to them. The protest eventually led to their being g ranted the rights to Wattie Creek by the Whitlam Government in 1975. The passing by the Fraser Government of the Commonwealth Land Rights Act northern territory, 1976, gave Aboriginal people freehold title to traditional lands in the northern territory.As shown, the land rights movements were based on the belief of the dreaming. This is because the land is closely linked to the dreaming and by restoring land rights again, the Aboriginal community could re-establish the dreaming which involves the land, sacred sites, totems and ancestral beings. How has dispossession affected Aboriginal spirituality? (seperatio Land, kinship, stolen generation). The Dispossession of the Indigenous Australians has had a major impact on their Spirituality and beliefs, including their connection to the land, kinship and explored a major effect which is the stolen Generation.When the White Settlement began in Australia in 1788, Australia was called ââ¬Å"terra Nulliusâ⬠meaning that the land belong s to no body. What was unknown to the British settlement is that the land is the home for the Aborigines and those Aborigines have been living in this land for more than 50,000 years. In the nineteenth century and much of the twentieth century the official policy towards Aboriginal Australians was called protectionism. Protectionism is the idea that Aboriginal Australians needed to be separated from the white society and be protected because they were unable to do so.As a result, they were removed from their traditional lands and placed in missions which at that time were controlled by Christian churches. This was a major factor in separating Aboriginal people from their own culture and religions. Since the Aboriginal religion is based on the dreaming which refers to the time where ancestors created the land, the dreaming is closely connected to the land because it is through the land that the stories of the dreaming emerge. Many of their rituals and ceremonies were inseparably link ed to the land and sacred sites.Consequently, many Aborigines were separated from their spiritualties and beliefs. Another major effect of dispossession from land is when separated people have later tried to gain access to their land but have no knowledge of the law and tradition and also no proof of their connection to the land. Therefore, dispossession from land has impacted on the Aborigines because the land plays a major role in their spiritual beliefs. Similarly, separation from Kinship groups has limited the Aboriginal peopleââ¬â¢s opportunity to express their religion in traditional songs and dances.The Kinship is a complex system of belonging, relationships and responsibilities within a tribe that are based on the dreaming. Due to the fact that most of Aboriginal tribes had their own language, separation from kinship made it impossible for Aboriginal people to preserve their own language and dreaming stories of their clan (tribe). It is known that each Aboriginal individu al has a responsibility within their clan. Many Aborigines as a result of dispossession lost the opportunity to participate in rituals that would gain them acceptance into the clan.Eventually, Kinship groups had the responsibility for raising and nurturing children even though they were not their biological children. When children were taken away from their clan by the white colonisation, the community lost the responsibility of taking care and nurturing the children and thus, lost the concept of kinship. Another effect of separation from Kinship groups is that the separation prevented individuals from inheriting the traditional parenting skills such as teaching the young their responsibilities and the dreaming stories.Separation from Kinship can also mean isolation from the ceremonial life. Ceremonies such as initiations or funerals are of a critical importance because they are a part of the Aboriginal life. Without these ceremonies, a person is disconnected to their kinship and th eir Aboriginal spirituality. This also limited the spread of their beliefs to the next generations. Hence, Kinship separation has led to the loss of spirituality. The so called ââ¬Å"Stolen Generationsâ⬠have also affected the Aboriginal spirituality.The term ââ¬Å"Stolen Generationâ⬠refers to the children who were removed from their homes between 1900 and 1972 by the Government and Church missionaries in an attempt to assimilate these children into European society. Most of the children who were taken away lost contact with other Aboriginal people, their culture, beliefs and land. In addition, they also lost their own languages. As a result, the stolen generation found it difficult to restore the connection with their own people and culture. The children were only exposed to white culture, because they were told that their families had rejected them or they were dead.The contact between the children and families was rarely allowed. This lead to a lack of role models ta ught the Aboriginal beliefs. Some of the stolen Generation could not pass on the dreaming stories of the ancestral beings to their children, unlike how they were initially taught with their Aboriginal community. Many of the children were exposed to Christianity in its various forms. The children were taught the Christian religion in Christian missions, which undoubtedly contributed to the destruction of aboriginal culture and spirituality. Thus, the removing of the Aboriginal children had impacted on the Aboriginal spirituality.Therefore, the dispossession from the land, kinship and the stolen Generation has affected the Aboriginal Spirituality. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â [ 1 ]. http://www. aboriginalheritage. org/history/history/ [ 2 ]. http://www. parliament. nsw. gov. au/prod/web/common. nsf/key/HistoryBeforeEuropeanSettlement [ 3 ]. Religion and Belief system in Australia post-1945 [ 4 ]. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Eddie_Mabo [ 5 ]. http://www. racismnoway. com. au/teaching-resources/factsheets/19. html [ 6 ]. http://www. racismnoway. com. au/teaching-resources/factsheets/19. tml [ 7 ]. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Eddie_Mabo [ 8 ]. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Eddie_Mabo [ 9 ]. Religion and Belief system in Australia post-1945 [ 10 ]. Religion and Belief system in Australia post-1945 [ 11 ]. http://www. aboriginalheritage. org/history/history/ [ 12 ]. Religion and Belief system in Australia post-1945 [ 13 ]. Religion and Belief system in Australia post-1945 [ 14 ]. www. atns. net. au/agreement. asp? EntityID=775 [ 15 ]. http://www. library. uq. edu. au/fryer/1967_referendum/labour. html [ 16 ]. http://www. library. uq. edu. u/fryer/1967_referendum/labour. html [ 17 ]. http://reconciliaction. org. au/nsw/education-kit/land-rights/ [ 18 ]. http://www. library. uq. edu. au/fryer/1967_referendum/labour. html [ 19 ]. :http://www. abs. gov. au/Ausstats/[emailà protected] nsf/Previousproducts/1301. 0Feature%20Article21995? opendocument [ 20 ]. http://reconciliaction. org. au/nsw/education-kit/land-rights/ [ 21 ]. http://reconciliaction. org. au/nsw/education-kit/land-rights/ [ 22 ]. http://www. library. uq. edu. au/fryer/1967_referendum/labour. html [ 23 ]. http://www. library. uq. edu. au/fryer/1967_referendum/labour. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Learn to Tell Time in German
Learn to Tell Time in German Telling time in German requires knowing three basic ingredients: the numbers from 1 to 59, the German words for to and after, and the fractions quarter and half (past). Heres How: Learn or review the German numbers from 1-59.An hour is divided up like a pie into quarters (viertel) and halves (halb).For half past, you say halb and the next hour. Halb acht 7:30, i.e., half (way to) eight.After is nach. Es ist zehn nach zwei 2:10 (Its ten after two).For quarter past, you say Viertel nach: Viertel nach neun 9:15.To or before is vor (FOR). Viertel vor zwei 1:45. Zehn vor elf 10:50.English oclock is Uhr in German. Es ist fà ¼nf Uhr 5:00 (five oclock).For precise times, you say Uhr between the hour and the minutes: zehn Uhr zwà ¶lf 10:12.For many common situations (timetables, TV guides), Germans use 24-hour (military) time.Add 12 to a pm time to get the 24-hour form: 2 pm 12 14.00 (vierzehn Uhr).To express 24-hour time, be precise: zwanzig Uhr neun 20.09 8:09 pm.Practice your German time-telling skills with every clock or schedule you see. Tips: Make sure you know your German numbers well. Watch out for eins. With time its ein Uhr (1:00).Accept the fact that there are different ways of telling time in different cultures, none of which is better or worse than the others.Remember that understanding the time is usually more important than being able to say it.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition and Examples of Exclamatory Sentences
Definition and Examples of Exclamatory Sentences In English grammar, an exclamatory sentence is a type of main clauseà that expresses strong feelings by making an exclamation. Compare this with sentences that make a statementà (declarative sentences), express a commandà (imperative sentences), or ask a questionà (interrogatory sentences). An exclamatory sentence is also called anà exclamative or an exclamative clause. An exclamatory sentence usually ends with an exclamation pointà (!). With the appropriate intonation, other sentence types- especially declarative sentences- can be used to form exclamatives.à Adjectives inà Exclamatory Phrases and Clauses Exclamatory phrases can stand on their own as sentences- such as if someone says No way! or uses interjections such as Brrr!- without even needing to have a subject and a verb in them, though to qualify as an exclamatory clause or sentence, a subject and verb need to be present. Author Randolph Quirk and his colleagues explain how adjectives play a part in creating exclamatory phrases and clauses: Adjectives (especially those that can be complement when the subject is eventive, eg: Thats excellent!) can be exclamations, with or without an initial wh-element...:ââ¬â¹Ã Excellent! (How) wonderful!...Such adjective phrases need not be dependent on any previous linguistic context but may be a comment on some object or activity in the situational context. (ââ¬â¹A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Longman, 1985) Interrogative Clauses as Exclamations In addition to sentences that have the typical declarativeà subject-verbà structure, there are exclamatory sentences that take a positive or negative interrogative structure. For example, examine the sentence structure here: Oh wow, was that a great concert! Note that the verb was comes before the subject concert. If youre having trouble parsing out subjects for these type of sentences, look first for the verb and then find the subject by deciding what belongs to the verb. Here, its concert, as you could put the sentence in a subject-verb order as Oh wow, that concert was great!à There are exclamatory questions, too, such as, Isnt this fun! or Well, what do you know! And there are rhetorical questions of surprise, such as What?! that end with both a question mark and an exclamation point.à Avoid Overuse in Your Writing Exclamative types of sentences rarely appear inà academic writing, except when theyre part ofà quotedà material, which would likely be rare in that field. Please be aware that overuse of exclamations and exclamation points inà essays, nonfiction articles, or in fiction is a sign of amateurish writing. Use them only when absolutely necessary, such asà in directà quotes and dialogue. Even then, revise out what you can in order to leave only the most necessary. Dont allow exclamation points (and exclamatory sentences) to become a crutch to carry the emotion of a scene. In fiction, the words the characters speak and the tension in the scene driven by the narration should be what expresses the emotion. The author voiceà in an essay or nonfiction article should carry the message; exclamations should be restricted to direct quotes attributed to sources. A good rule of thumb to follow for any piece of writing is to allow only one exclamation point for every 2,000 words (or more, if possible). Revising them out of your drafts will make your overall piece stronger by the time its finalized.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Differences nuclear power between france and germany Research Paper
Differences nuclear power between france and germany - Research Paper Example The first usage of the nuclear energy was to use it as a weapon and the nuclear bomb was thrown on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The World War took a massive step in the history of nuclear energy research and the need of nuclear technology. Nuclear technology was required for the need of making the atom bomb. There was a race between all the powers to use this form of energy to deadly effects. America won and became the first to introduce it on the grander stage. Later as the war ended the race for nuclear technology did not end introducing a new usage for nuclear power-energy. France initially was extremely motivated towards the race of atomic warheads and weapons. However, in the field of energy development France did not concentrate much effort until the first oil supply shock of 1973. After the shock the government decided to concentrate solely on expanding the countryââ¬â¢s nuclear power capacity. This decision was taken by the government looking at the fact that France had the engineering expertise and capacity but had very few other energy sources. Nuclear energy was a viable option because of its low output cost and high efficiency if managed effectively. (World Nuclear Association, 2011) Like many other countries Germany started the pursuit of nuclear energy in the 1950s. However, in the decade Germany was only able to develop a few reactors and none of them was on a commercial scale. Between 1960 and 1970 none of the reactors introduced be Germany could produce more than 1000 MW. The first commercial nuclear power station was introduced in 1969. First the reaction of the French will be analyzed. The survey commissioned by the state electricity producer EDF has conducted March 15 and 16 after earthquake in Japan on March 11. 1000 sample, 55 percent said they did not support the argument that the most important French Green Party to abandon nuclear energy. About 42 per cent is worth it. (Reuters, 2011) Cà ©cile Duflot, leader of the Green Party
Friday, November 1, 2019
International Business - Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International Business - Starbucks - Essay Example This has been the key reason, according to the case study, that managers in Starbucks decided to use alternative internationalization strategies that could protect the firmââ¬â¢s interests more effectively. The inappropriateness of licensing, as the core internationalization strategy of Starbucks, can be understood by referring to the characteristics of licensing. Licensing, as a strategy for expanding internationally, can offer a series of advantages. In fact, licensing is considered as one of the most popular internationalization strategies (Czinkota et al. 2009). In the context of licensing ââ¬Ëa party can uses intellectual property of another party paying compensation in the form of royaltyââ¬â¢ (Czinkota et al. 2009, p.244). The intellectual property the use of which can be allowed to third parties, under compensation, can vary, incorporating ââ¬Ëpatents, trademarks and business skillsââ¬â¢ (Czinkota et al. 2009, p.244). In general, licensing has related to the fo llowing benefits: there is no need for capital investment, compared to other internationalization agreements (Czinkota et al. 2009). ... The licensing agreement is considered as an ideal strategy for testing foreign markets as of their potential to offer high profits (Cherunilam 2010). After testing a foreign market using the licensing agreement the licensor may decide to proceed to a full-entry in the particular market, in case that prospects for high growth are identified (Cherunilam 2010). In other words, the licensing agreement can be used as a means for checking a marketââ¬â¢s prospects in regard to a specific product/ services before proceeding to the further promotion of this product/ service in the particular market (Stonehouse et al. 2007). Managers in Starbucks probably used initially the licensing agreement as a first tool for checking the perspectives of markets worldwide. It seems that the firm would prefer to avoid investing funds on internationalization agreements in regard to markets the potentials of which were unknown. After testing these markets, the firmââ¬â¢s managers were ready to proceed t o the next phase, i.e. to develop internationalization strategies that could offer full control over the firmââ¬â¢s intellectual property. At this point, reference should be made to the following fact: the company had used licensing only in Asia, probably aiming to explore the local marketsââ¬â¢ potentials in terms of the firmââ¬â¢s products. In Canada, the expansion of the firm was arranged differently: the owners of Starbucks bought the stores in Canada so that a full control is secured. Of course, the use, directly, of another internationalization strategy in Canada was feasible, since the firmââ¬â¢s owners could have a better view of the particular marketââ¬â¢s prospects, meaning that there was no need for testing the Canadian market in regard to its responses to
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